Book Review: Bestseller by Ahmed Faiyaz
About the Author: Ahmed Faiyaz grew up in Bangalore and now lives in Dubai. He’s a book and film addict, and also a passionate writer. He is the bestselling author of Love, life & all that jazz… , Another Chance and Scammed , and the editor of Urban Shots – Crossroads and Down the Road. He has written and directed 6 short films and 2 feature films including Graveyard Shift. You can check out his website by clicking the link here . About the Book: Bestseller by Ahmed Faiyaz, published by RupaPublications is the story of a publication house named Kalim Publications and how it is brought back to limelight by the new editor Akshay Mathur who returns from London in order to work at Kalim Publications. The story is all about various kinds of books and how they are edited and published at Kalim by Akshay and Zorah who is the daughter of the late owner of the publication house. It consists of a business fight which Akshay and Zorah work towards winning ...